+387 36 556 581 losrosal@bih.net.ba Pon - Pet 07:00 - 15:00

Stručna posjeta nastavnika i terapeuta institucijama u Holandiji u okviru projekta uz podršku fondacije „Just Sophie“

Od 10.04.2018.godine do 14.04.2018.godine grupa nastavnika i terapeuta Centra „Los Rosales“ boravili su u stručnoj posjeti institucijama u Holandiji. Ovom prilikom uz podršku fondacije „Just Sophie“ uspjeli smo uspostaviti saradnju sa organizacijom „Omega Gruppe“ koja se bavi zbrinjavanjem djece i mladih sa teškoćama u razvoju kroz različita područja (educiranjem, rehabilitacijom, samostalnim stanovanjem, cjeloživotnim učenjem i zapošljavanjem). Također, imali smo mogućnost bolje se upoznati sa načinom uključivanja mladih osoba sa invaliditetom u društvene tokove kroz zapošljavanje. Država kao što je Holandija posljednjih desetljeća ostvarila je svoje napredke na mnogim poljima, posebno u socijalnom segmentu. Međutim, postojala je potreba za osnivanjem ustanova kao što su “Blixem” i “Omega Groupe ” jer kako kažu u ovim centrima njihov odnos sa djecom sa posebnim potrebama je na istom nivou kao sa onima koji nemaju poteskoće u razvoju te ne prave razlike u ophođenju prema njima motivirajući ih da nastave dalje.

Saradnja će se nastaviti uzvratnom posjetom predstavnika „Omega Group-e“ Centru „Los Rosales“ u septembru ove godine.

Ovom prilikom želimo se zahvaliti  na podršci i gostoprimstvu cijeloj ekipi Fondacije „Just Sophie“ i gosp. Peteru Kroek.


Professional visit of teachers and therapists to institutions in the Netherlands as part of the project supported by the Foundation “Just Sophie”


From April 10, 2018 to April 14, 2016, a group of teachers and therapists of the Los Rosales Center visited professional institutions in the Netherlands. On this occasion, with the support of the “Just Sophie” Foundation, we managed to establish cooperation with the organization “Omega Gruppe”, which deals with the care of children and young people with developmental difficulties through different areas (education, rehabilitation, independent living, lifelong learning and employment). We also had the opportunity to be better acquainted with how to involve young people with disabilities in social flows through employment. The Netherlands,  has been making progress in many fields over the last decades, especially in the social segment. However, there was a need for founding institutions such as “Blixem” and “Omega Groupe” because as they say in these centers, their relationship with children with special needs is at the same level as those who have no developmental disadvantages and do not differentiate in any way, by motivating them to move on.

Co-operation will continue with a return visit to the representative of the “Omega Group” Los Rosales Center in September this year.

On this occasion, we would like to thank for the support and hospitality of the whole team of the “Just Sophie” Foundation and to Mr. Peter Kroek.